An Enrollment-Driven Approach to Title IV Compliance.
Financial Aid Experts, Inc. is a consulting firm with a unique, holistic approach to Title IV compliance and enrollment management. We offer a suite of exclusive, custom-tailored products and services that align with our innovative, synergistic approach to regulatory compliance, operational efficiency, customer service, and enrollment management. In concert with this distinctive methodology, we provide customized training, process-flow design, compliance oversight, and management consultation to colleges, universities and career schools nationwide.
Why Are We Different?
With a vast array of unique products and services, FA Experts can provide assistance in virtually any aspect of Title IV compliance and student financial services within your institution. We are not a financial aid processor or “third-party servicer”, nor are we the type of consultants that give you a list of problems and go home. We work with you and your staff not only to resolve problems, but to build systems and processes that excel in operational efficiency, regulatory compliance, and customer service – leading to a streamlined service experience that drives customer satisfaction. Students and parents cease feeling like a “number” and staff members have time to build real service and mentoring relationships with students.
Regulatory Compliance, Operational Efficiency, and Customer Service – Working in Harmony for Enrollment Success…
FA Experts has a unique outlook and philosophy on regulatory compliance. While some may see compliance as a burden on personnel and financial resources, we see the regulatory environment as an opportunity – a chance for schools to differentiate themselves from the competition by building compliant processes that are also highly efficient and customer-focused. These objectives are not in conflict, but rather through proper design and staff training the three can work in perfect harmony, leading to a significant positive impact on both recruiting and retention.